Working as a foreign employee with only basic Japanese 日本語が飛び交う環境で働く外国人社員として考えていること



One of HACARUS’s core values is ”Look beyond Japan and focus on a global perspective”. This is reflected not just in our business strategy, but also the diverse makeup of our team - 20% of our employees are from overseas. During my final interview, I asked the CEO directly, “Why is it important to you that HACARUS is a bilingual company?”. His response was, “To do business around the world, we must first be a team that is global and embraces diversity.”

I’m from the U.K. and I joined HACARUS 1 year and a half ago in August 2022. So I’m writing this blog to give an insight into how getting hired was and working as a foreign employee at HACARUS is. 

After teaching English for a year in Japan, I was looking to transition to Data Science, which lined up more with what I’d studied at University. But my Japanese level was really just basic words and phrases, so my options were exclusively companies that have some international focus, where I can work in English. When I came across HACARUS, and saw that they’d already hired people from a similar position as me, I became very interested. The application and interview process was all in English, so that was smooth for me too. 

For the past year, I’ve worked in our Product division. My main role is assessing the compatibility of customer’s data with our defect detection AI, HACARUS Check, and adapting it to create custom solutions for their needs. The majority of my colleagues are Japanese, and they all can speak English to some degree. The people I work with most often all have great English

Of course, like with any workplace, we still have to take care and be intentional with our communication to make sure it’s effective. Even simple considerations go a long way, such as: “Am I speaking too fast?”, “Could I explain this in a shorter or simpler way?” or “What’s a more common word I can use?” - I’ve found that I often need to think the exact same way when explaining technical details to non-technical customers! So as a Data Scientist, and an English-speaking member of the team, thoughtful communication is an invaluable trait.

On a more practical level, let me tell you about some of the ways we facilitate this bilingual environment. Internal meetings are always done in both Japanese and English. Preparing clear meeting agendas and making good meeting minutes are helpful things for any company, but are a great help when something from a discussion in either language might have been missed by a member stronger in the other language.  

For larger general meetings, we have a number of presentations from various members of the management team. In the past, presenters would alternate between Japanese and English for each slide. It was effective, but time consuming. Recently the company has paid for an AI translation service that creates an English transcript in real time, allowing mainly English-speaking members like me to follow along smoothly. I would say HACARUS is always thinking about the best way to cultivate a working environment that is accessible for both native English and Japanese speakers, and that is a good example.


In my experience HACARUS has a very positive culture around language learning. All members are encouraged to improve our second language skills, for our own benefit, and to improve the effectiveness of our communication. One great thing that supports this is a language learning subsidy that covers us taking language lessons.

1 year and a half later, I’ve picked up some things, but my Japanese is still not at a high level. However I have many chances during work to practise. For example, in our weekly all-hands, we close the meeting by splitting into a few groups, just to chat. Everyone shares something they’ve gotten up to in the last week, in Japanese and English. Even members who don’t need to use one language or another in their day to day, take time to prepare a translation of what they’d like to say. I’ve found this a really welcoming environment for me to try out speaking in Japanese more. 

In conclusion, I think wherever you are from, if you come with a global perspective and skills in thoughtful communication, I’d really encourage you to apply for HACARUS if you see a role that suits you. HACARUS values the contributions of its international team members, and sees the global market as a key component of its growth in the future. So if you're considering joining a company that prioritises both professional growth and cultural inclusivity, I think HACARUS is a great fit.

HACARUSの行動指針のひとつに「Don't be domestic. Be global" 日本に閉じこもらない、世界と勝負する」という言葉があります。これは、私たちのビジネスの海外展開だけでなく、チームづくりもグローバルに進めるということを意味しています。HACARUSの社員の20%は海外出身者です。最終面接のとき、前CEOの藤原に「なぜハカルスがバイリンガルの会社であることが重要なのですか」と尋ねたところ、「世界中でビジネスを展開するにあたっては、まず私たち自身がグローバルで多様性を受け入れるチームでなければならない。」と答えました。創業当時からこの考え方があり、実際にHACARUSには多様なバックグラウンドを受け入れるカルチャーがあると思います。



私はこの1年間、AI外観検査 HACARUS Checkのプロダクト開発の部門で働いてきました。私の主な役割は、お客様のデータとHACARUS Checkの適合性を評価し、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタムし、解決策を提案することです。チームメンバーのほとんどは日本人ですが、みんなある程度英語が話せます。私が普段一緒に仕事をするメンバーは、みなさん素晴らしい英語のスキルを持っています。




General Meeting (月に一度開催される全社会議) などの全体会議では、役員やマネージャー、メンバーから多くのプレゼンテーションが行われます。以前は、発表者は日英どちらも交互に話をしてプレゼンをしていました。理解するという意味で効果的ではありましたが一つの言語で実施する場合の2倍の時間がかかりました。






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  • Working as a foreign employee with only basic Japanese 日本語が飛び交う環境で働く外国人社員として考えていること